Can you imagine if everyone thought you had died, then your obituary was written, which you were able to read!

Many would love that, many would hate that, but we all are probably a bit curious. A morbid way to look at what we are going to do in this article is allow you to – get a look at your obituary – now.
Although, not quite an obituary, we aren’t having someone who knows you write a summary of what they thought was important to know about you. Instead, we will allow reality to write an unbiased, big facts summary of your life, which is more like a box score, and is less morbid.
A “box score” is an overall summary of the results of a sports competition, and provides a better description of what we will do here as we provide you with a big (most comprehensive and impactful) facts box score of your life.
The big questions in life are known as such because they have always been the most focused upon questions throughout all humanity, due to the impact the answers will have on each of us, and depending if those answers are true or inaccurate because we bind our life to one answer or another.
We cannot tell you if you will be married soon, if you will be happy, or other interesting and important things, but we can tell you where you end up in the most impactful things. These are not controversial, these are common sense, and the big facts summary of your life only depends upon which box you choose to stand in, and whether your answer to the big question is true, or not.
So, let’s look at YOUR future.
Below is one of the possible option boxes, each of the four quadrants or boxes summarizing the consequences necessarily following from the four possibilities concerning your choice and God’s existence.

- As an example, we will choose Atheism (belief no God exists) and Christianity (belief the biblical God exists) to be the two rows of options in the four-square box score.
To make this applicable to you, first, choose the belief system you are living your life according to, and find a contrasting belief system you think is the most likely true, if yours is not. Enter these two options for beliefs as the start of the two rows underneath “Either.”
- Second, pick the row you are standing in: for example, in the four-square chart below, either “For an Atheist,” or “For a Christian.”
- Third, determine whether the comprehensive case of reality supports the “No God Exists” or the “God Exists” column.
Only one belief system will be supported by reality on a level none of the others can reach, due to the Law of Noncontradiction. If you cannot decide what you believe, or why you should have to, then it may be unfathomably beneficial for you to recognize Why You Should Care, and discover the answer. Your answer will determine the exact box, and corresponding big future facts, you will find yourself in, when all is said and done.
- Finally, you can observe now what the most impactful facts summarizing your future will be, by reading from the box you are sitting in.
- If, for example, you are an atheist and your belief is accurate, no God exists, then you are in box 1, the upper-left quadrant. Have a look into your inevitable future experiences.
- On the other hand, if your belief is inaccurate, God does exist, then you are in box 2. This would be basically true for an agnostic also. An agnostic, who claims either no one can know whether God exists or not, or simply they just do not know, if not accepting the biblical God as needed, will therefore exist in the same box 1 or 2 as an atheist, just with all but the last bullet-points lessened.
- If you are a Christian, then if your belief does not fit reality as no God exists, you are in box 3; if your belief is true, then you will inevitably experience box 4.
- Further, let’s say you have searched the evidence reality provides and feel the likelihood no God exists is 60%, so you choose to live as an agnostic, then you have a 60% likelihood of experiencing box 1, and a 40% likelihood of experiencing box 2.
You currently are sitting in one of those quadrants, heading directly towards the future results noted within. Here is the big follow-up question: If you found another belief was supported better by reality to be true, would you step into the other belief, and box of corresponding consequences?
If you want to live your life as though all beliefs are equally valid or true to reality, and will lead to similar overall impacts on you, then you, without question, will be in a box not supported by reality, and will be dropped into unanticipated consequences. In this case, it is healthy to be hedged in, as the only reliable belief box is the one hedged-in by truth.
If your answer is “No,” you would not step into another belief box if it were more likely true than your current beliefs, then hopefully you understand you have a problem, a barrier of irrationality boxing you into your current position.
The answer should be obvious, it is all about costs and benefits, but not always simple as emotions do get involved, and current comfort is a powerful motivator to stand still.
To make sure your choice is still yours, is not getting taken from you, and is done rationally, and free from barriers boxing you in, then you need to study a topic of interest to you, YOU, and that is done in these two articles: Check Yo Self, and then Interesting Things that Make You Stupid.
The flow of the website:
- This first section of the website and first step in approaching what belief to base your life upon, ends with this article. If you want what you think, what you do, your goals and direction in life to lead to reliable and best results, as opposed to dropping you into unexpected and unwanted consequences, then you need to take your choice of beliefs as the most serious and impactful choice in life.
- The next logical step, if we know our beliefs are as serious as it gets, then next, we must know if we can know truth about beliefs, and if so, how? This is the topic of the next section: How Can I Know?
- If we realize how serious the choice is, and the answer or truth is available to know, then we have the motivation needed to pursue the evidence where it leads: Show Me the Evidence.
What box of beliefs are you standing in, and why? There is a box presenting your life with a gift of security, peace, lasting happiness, and is wrapped up in reality, uniquely ensuring future outcomes are reliable beyond any alternative. It is your choice to check if that gift box has your name on it.